Sydney Part 2

Day two started with a bang – Ben and I were on the hunt for the correct public transport to Bondi Beach.  Just a train ride and bus transfer and we were there.  Bondi Beach is a GORGEOUS beach town.  Lots of surfers, fish and chips, runners and ice cream!

Our plan was to do the ~2mi beach walk from Bondi to Coogee.  It was along the cliffs overlooking the ocean.  This turned out to be my favorite part of our trip.  The beaches and water were so tempting!

We didn’t do much but walk so here are some pics –






Above: If you look closely you can see the yoga class in the back…I’d go everyday if that was the backdrop!









Above: there were quite a few pools just like this – filled with ocean water that flowed over the side and was pumped back into the pool.  Loved these!


Yep, that’s a cemetery along the cliffs!  Or as Ben says “Now, that’s life after death!” 🙂


Once we made it to Coogee Beach we hopped on another bus back to Bondi for fish and chips and an ice cream cone before heading back to the city.

Back in the city, how could we pass up a little shopping…throw Ben in Lululemon and me in Zara and we were both perked back up in no time! J

We went to dinner downtown at a restaurant that was tucked back in an adorable alley –

It’s hard to see but there were about one hundred bird cages illuminated and hanging over the street! We actually saw this alley on one of our favorite Aussie reality TV shows so weren’t about to leave before eating here!

Then it was time for cocktails on the harbour!  It was one of those moments when you can’t believe you’re actually sitting there!




My new favorite cocktail made with my new favorite fruit: passionfruit!  Passionfruit is everywhere.  My latest obsession is Passionfruit Chobani yogurt. 🙂


With one more day to go that was it for the night!


3 responses

    • Wow, Lauren! You and Ben look very happy. The pictures were fantastic. What a great experience you are having-the chance of a lifetime. And believe me, Tilly is doing great, too.

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